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Financial Examination Classroom

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Ⅰ. In order to provide financial examiners with more diverse learning options and to better pass down examination experience, the Financial Examination Bureau of the FSC (hereafter the FEB) established the "e-Financial Examination Knowledge Online Learning Courses" in 2011. The courses organize information on interpretations of domestic financial laws, integrating professional knowledge and experience accumulated by senior financial examiners on a variety of financial examination topics. They use examination focuses from the examination manuals and reference key points from relevant foreign financial courses, incorporating this information with the common examination findings and cases found by financial examiners as teaching materials.
Ⅱ. Initially, the courses offered on this e-learning platform covered 8 themes, namely ‘‘savings deposits’’, anti-money laundering’’, ‘‘internal control and management’’, ‘‘credit business’’, ‘‘investments’’, ‘‘trusts business’’, ‘‘the suitability of selling financial product’’, and ‘management of information technology’’. Multiple learning modules are provided under the above themes, with each module divided into courses content, examination focuses, case studies, and reference materials.
III. In response to changes in laws and regulations, and examinations findings, the FEB adds to and amends these teaching materials each year and continues to create additional course contents. Courses on the e-learning platform initially only covered 8 themes and 24 learning modules. New themes and corresponding learning modules were gradually added, including ‘‘insurance soliciting’’, ‘‘stock underwriting by securities firms’’ , ‘‘underwriting and claims’’, ‘‘investment-linked insurance products’’, ‘‘securities brokerages’’, ‘‘use of insurance funds’’, ‘‘insurance premium collection commissions’’, and ‘‘securities underwriting’’. New courses and learning modules shall continue to be added in the future as 32px, and those content shall be announced online before the end of the year.
IV. The e-learning platform was initially placed on the FSC’s intrant(“Administrative Information Portal”) for (new) employees of the FEB under learning purposes and was also accessible by all FSC employees. From 2012 onwards, the FEB established an additional e-learning platform open to external networks on its official website, under the “Financial Examination Classroom” section. This e-learning platform was accessible to members of the financial industry, as well as general public.
V. The e-learning platform established by the FEB helps its employees understand the supervisory focuses, the various deficiencies that can occur during each business operation and how improvements can be made. Through this cross-industry learning, the FSC can improve the professional abilities of financial examiners and provide members of the financial industry and of the public with an opportunity to understand the basic principles of financial examinations, helping to spread financial knowledge and provide information transparency.
(Please refer to the FEB’s Chinese official website for more details)
Visitor: 291   Update: 2024-05-14