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The Financial Supervisory Commission establishes Financial Examination Bureau (FEB) to carry out supervision and examination of financial institutions, as well as to prescribe, plan and implement related policies and regulations.

The Banking, Securities and Futures, Insurance, and FEB are four bureaus under the Financial Supervisory Commission. 

The Banking, Securities and Futures, and Insurance Bureau are responsible for daily supervisory works on banking, securities and futures, and insurance industries respectively; furthermore, the FEB is responsible for conducting examinations on banking, securities and futures, and insurance industries. For the effectiveness of financial examinations, the FEB closely cooperates with the other three bureaus to fully understand business conditions of financial institutions and implements the risk-based examinations. To promote sound operations of financial institutions, the FEB issues examination reports based on examination results and shares the reports with the other three bureaus for reference to their daily supervisory works or administrative actions.



The Financial Examination Bureau (FEB) is responsible for drafting, planning and executing of the followings:

  1. Establish a financial examination system.
  2. Conduct examinations on financial institutions and their foreign subsidiaries.
  3. Review the call reports submitted by financial institutions.
  4. Review internal audit reports of financial institutions and other matters related to internal audit.
  5. Follow up examination findings of financial institutions and review their improvements.
  6. Collect and analyze financial examination information.


Organization Chart:
(Click each division or office to review its function)


Organization Chart


(Click each division or office to review its function)

Financial Examination Systems Division Financial Holding Companies Division Banking Business Division Community Financial Institutions Division Securities Intermediaries and Bills Finance Companies Division Insurance Companies Division Commissioned Examination Division Secretariat Personnel Office Civil Service Ethics Offic Accounting Office Information Systems Office


Organic Act Governing the Establishment of the Financial Examination Bureau, Financial Supervision Commission

Article 1
The Financial Supervisory Commission hereby establishes Financial Examination Bureau (hereinafter “the Bureau”) to carry out supervision and examination of financial institutions, as well as to prescribe, plan and implement related policies and regulations.

Article 2
The Bureau shall be in charge of prescribing, planning and implementing the following matters:

  1. Establishing the financial examination system of financial holding companies, banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises.
  2. Examination of financial holding companies, banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises.
  3. Examination of foreign establishments of banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises.
  4. Reviewing call reports submitted by financial holding companies, banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises.
  5. Reviewing internal audit reports of financial holding companies, banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises, and handling matters relating to internal audit.
  6. Following up and reviewing improvements made on the findings revealed in examination reports of financial holding companies, banking enterprises, securities enterprises, futures enterprises and insurance enterprises.
  7. Collection and analysis of financial examination information.
  8. Other matters relating to financial examinations.

Article 3
The Bureau shall have one director general, a regularly appointed senior civil servant who shall serve at occupational grade 13; two deputy director generals, all of whom shall be regularly appointed senior civil servants at occupational grade 12.

Article 4
The Bureau shall have one chief secretary, a regularly appointed senior civil servant who shall serve at occupational grade 11.

Article 5
Civil service ranks, occupational grades, and the authorized complement at the Bureau shall be separately set out in a personnel establishment table.

Article 6
Personnel qualified for civil service appointment who were transferred prior to enforcement of this Act (in accordance with the provisions of Article 31, paragraph 1 of the “Organic Act Governing the Establishment of Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan”) to the Bureau upon special approval by the Executive Yuan, may from the date of transfer be exempted from the restrictions upon special tests, special appointments, and transfers prescribed in the Civil Service Examination Act, the Civil Service Appointment Act, and civil service special examination regulations; provided, however, that when next transferred they may only go to either a government agency that personnel who passed the original special examination were eligible to go to, or to the Bureau.

Article 7
The implementation date of this Act shall be prescribed by the Executive Yuan.

Visitor: 6592   Update: 2023-01-03