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Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) launches a pilot program to streamline financial heritage inquiries

To make it easier and more efficient for the public to inquire information of their passed away relatives’ financial heritage, the FSC announced on 28 November 2019 that it carries out the pilot program starting from 1 December 2019 to 30 June 2020.
According to the pilot program, which now only covers residents falling into the service scope of the National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (NTBT), if people have needs to inquire financial heritage information of their deceased relatives (e.g., deposit, stocks of listed companies, life insurance policies, mutual funds, credit reports), they can apply so at the same time when they apply to the NTBT for the property records of their deceased relatives since 1 December 2019. The first inquiry of the said financial heritage information is free of charge, and the applicant will receive inquiry results mostly by mails from various inquiry institutions within 10 working days.
The pilot program is a collective effort which is initiated by the FSC, organized by the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable and pooled joint work by 6 major inquiry institutions (i.e., the Bankers Association of the R.O.C, Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, Taiwan Futures Exchange, Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association of the R.O.C., the Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C., and Joint Credit Information Center). The National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (NTBT) also plays an important role in which it offers one-stop service for inquiring financial heritage.
During the pilot program period, the 6 inquiry institutions still in parallel provide people with existing financial heritage inquiry services.
Visitor: 1478   Update: 2019-12-12