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Revising financial examination manuals

According to amendment of financial regulations and examination practice requirements, the FEB has revised financial examination manuals for the second half of 2020 (base date: December 31, 2020).

The FEB has compiled financial examination manuals for fourteen industries. Except that electronic stored value cards issuers, specialized credit card business institutions and insurance agent companies and insurance broker companies examination manuals are revised annually, the remaining industries such as financial holding companies examination manuals are revised semiannually since 2020. These manuals are divided into two categories: "Complete version" and "Revised version". "Complete version" shows the full contents of financial examination manuals for the semiannually (or annually). "Revised version" shows updated information semiannually (or annually). Please refer to the "Financial Examination Manuals" section under the Examination Info.

In addition, the FEB has revised the AML/CFT Compliance Examination Manual for Banking Sector and Securities Firms..

Visitor: 958   Update: 2021-03-08