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FSC Convened a Colloquium for Chief Internal Auditors of Credit Cooperatives on October 21, 2022

In order to improve the effectiveness of internal audit mechanisms, the FSC held a colloquium for chief internal auditors, internal auditors and information security officers of 23 credit cooperatives and the National Federation of Credit Cooperatives on Oct. 21, 2022.

In the session, we not only demonstrate the main examination findings and remedial measures of recent full-scope examinations and targeted examinations on real estate credit, but also explain the recent supervisory focuses to promote the credit cooperatives to understand the supervisory concerns, improve the efficiency of the internal control mechanism and correct related operational omissions. The topics of the session also included information security, anti-bribery election, gender equality, and so on.

With two-way communication, it allowed credit cooperatives to better understand the supervisory concerns and the examination focuses. The FSC will hold the colloquium periodically in the future to facilitate the sound development of the credit cooperative industry.

Visitor: 232   Update: 2022-10-31